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dc.rights.licenseAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) * Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 CO)
dc.contributor.authorOrtega Hernández, Leslie Yadira-
dc.coverage.spatialCartagena de Indias D. T. y C. (Bolívar)
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Ischemic Stroke is a highly prevalent disease worldwide, although recently with the creation of therapies such as tissue plasminogen activator factor and mechanical thrombectomy, the burden of morbidity and mortality has improved among the population, however these therapies have brought with them the greatest presentation of a complication such as hemorrhagic transformation. Objective: Review the updated literature on the risk of hemorrhagic transformation of the different therapeutic modalities for acute ischemic stroke. Methods: A search of the Medline, Cochrane central, Science Direct, LILACS, Scielo databases was performed, taking into account the PICO strategy and using the following descriptors: "Acute Cerebrovascular Accident", Adult, "Fibrinolytic Therapy", "Clot Disruption, Mechanical ”,“ Intracranial Hemorrhage ”,“ Brain Hemorrhage ”, the search was limited to a period of 10 years from January 2010. Results: 114 results were obtained, 76 were discarded based on the title and summary review as they were not related to the problem question posed, 8 were later discarded as being in a language other than English and Spanish and 2 because they were in a non-human population, thus 30 articles were selected. Conclusions: Endovenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy or a combination of them have a comparable risk of hemorrhagic transformation, however this bibliographic review shows that more randomized clinical studies with more uniform eligibility criteria are required in order to make more homogeneous the comparison and analysis population. Key Words: “Acute Cerebrovascular Accident”, Adult, “Fibrinolytic Therapy”, “Clot Disruption, Mechanical”, “Intracranial Hemorrhage”, “Brain Hemorrhage”.es
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Ischemic Stroke is a highly prevalent disease worldwide, although recently with the creation of therapies such as tissue plasminogen activator factor and mechanical thrombectomy, the burden of morbidity and mortality has improved among the population, however these therapies have brought with them the greatest presentation of a complication such as hemorrhagic transformation. Objective: Review the updated literature on the risk of hemorrhagic transformation of the different therapeutic modalities for acute ischemic stroke. Methods: A search of the Medline, Cochrane central, Science Direct, LILACS, Scielo databases was performed, taking into account the PICO strategy and using the following descriptors: "Acute Cerebrovascular Accident", Adult, "Fibrinolytic Therapy", "Clot Disruption, Mechanical ”,“ Intracranial Hemorrhage ”,“ Brain Hemorrhage ”, the search was limited to a period of 10 years from January 2010. Results: 114 results were obtained, 76 were discarded based on the title and summary review as they were not related to the problem question posed, 8 were later discarded as being in a language other than English and Spanish and 2 because they were in a non-human population, thus 30 articles were selected. Conclusions: Endovenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy or a combination of them have a comparable risk of hemorrhagic transformation, however this bibliographic review shows that more randomized clinical studies with more uniform eligibility criteria are required in order to make more homogeneous the comparison and analysis population. Key Words: “Acute Cerebrovascular Accident”, Adult, “Fibrinolytic Therapy”, “Clot Disruption, Mechanical”, “Intracranial Hemorrhage”, “Brain Hemorrhage”.
dc.format.extent34 Páginas
dc.publisherUniversidad del Sinú, seccional Cartagenaes
dc.rightsEl autor, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presenta autorización es original y la realizo sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARAGRAFO: En caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, el autor, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la universidad del Sinu, seccional Cartagena actúa como un tercero de buena fe. El autor, autoriza a la Universidad del Sinu, seccional Cartagena, para que los términos establecidos en la Ley 1581 de 2012 en el artículo 30 de la Ley 23 de 1982 y el artículo 11 de la Decisión Andina 351 de 1993 y toda normal sobre la materia, utilice y use la obra objeto de la presente autorización. EL autor declara y autoriza lo dispuesto en el Articulo 10 del Decreto 1377 de 2013 a proceder con el tratamiento de los datos personales para fines académicos, históricos, estadísticos y administrativos de la Universidad del Sinu, seccional Cartagena. De conformidad con lo establecido, aclaramos que “Los derechos morales sobre el trabajo son propiedad de los autores”, los cuales son irrenunciables, imprescriptibles, inembargables e inalienables.
dc.subjectAcute Cerebrovascular Accidentes
dc.subjectFibrinolytic Therapyes
dc.subjectClot Disruptiones
dc.subjectIntracranial Hemorrhagees
dc.subjectBrain Hemorrhagees
dc.titleTransformación hemorrágica en el tratamiento del ataque cerebrovascular isquémico agudo con trombólisis endovenosa, trombectomia mecánica o una combinación de las dos estrategiases
Aparece en las colecciones: Especialización en Neurología Clinica

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